Incidents management

It's one of my favorite apps . Many of the applications or functionalities that a software developer materializes end up not being used for many different reasons. Satisfaction is sublime when any of the applications that you have created or participated in is used and you verify that users are satisfied with its use and functionality. This is the case with this application.

The Sallés Hotels incident management application allows any user or employee of any hotel in the chain to create an incident. This incident can be a lost object, a failure in the elevator, a water leak, a door that does not close, etc, etc. The incident is created through a webapp or an app from an android device. Immediately the incident is automatically communicated to the person responsible for solving the problem, depending on the type of incident. For example: if the incident is 'a broken tap', the hotel maintenance managers will receive the incident as a push notification . The first to assign the incident will be responsible for solving it. Depending on the hotel, there are several ways to assign these incidents according to user permissions. Who created the incident, can check the status of the incident at any time (if it is in progress, if it has already been fixed, etc.). Each status change is notified by email to the creator of the incident.

Technologies used :
  • Android (native)
  • Couchdb lite
  • Push notifications
  • Sencha (ExtJs)
  • PHP
  • Linux systems
  • Non-sql databases (Couchdb)

WEBAPP Screenshots